How to Resync Store Logos

If you are a CouponAPI Premium plan subscriber, then you can Resync store logos for the stores with "Grey Image", "No Image" and "Custom Image". This feature is supported only for the following list of themes: -

  • ClipMyDeals
  • Clipper
  • Couponer
  • CouponHut
  • Couponis
  • CouponXl
  • CouponXXL
  • CouponPress
  • Rehub
  • CouponMart
  • CouponPress by Coupon Themes

Here's How you can do it: -

Go to your WordPress Admin Panel > CouponAPI > Brandlogos

Here you have a card with the title "Resync store logos from"

You have 2 options to Resync: -

  1. The first 3 toggle options represent applying resync to all store
  2. Store slug based option represent applying resync to a specific store only

Applying resync to all store

  • Stores without Logo: Turn this ON if you want to add brand logos for all the stores with blank image > Click on Resync
  • Stores with Grey Logo: Turn this ON if you want to replace brand logos for all the stores with "Grey Image" > Click on Resync
  • Stores with Custom Logo: Turn this ON if you only want to replace all the store logos that already have a custom logo > Click on Resync

Apply resync to specific stores only

Insert comma-separated list of slug of stores for which you want to add the brand logo. Then click on Resync

For Example: -

amazon-com, ebay-com, aliexpress-com

(If you are not sure how to find the store slug, please contact us at [email protected])