How to have brand logos on your website’s premium plan comes with a pre-approved account of, which means that you can now have store’s logos associated with your coupons. So, you need not worry about coupons without an image on your website.
There are two ways that you can configure Brand logos for your coupon feed
Using WordPress Plugin
If you have a WordPress website with our supported theme and you are using CouponAPI Plugin, you need to follow the below steps
- In your WordPress plugin, go to CouponAPI > settings
- Insert your API key (you will find it in your CouponAPI account > profile settings). API key will be auto-filled correctly if you have an active account.
- Use logos from
- On: All your coupons will contain brand logos (even if offer has a dedicated image in the feed)
- Off: None of your coupons be fed with brand logos from our end.
- For offers without images: Only those coupons that do not have any image associated with them, will have brand logos.
- Select Logo Style that you need (Horizontal or square)
- For Stores without logos (Setting for stores for which logo is not available on
- Use grey image as default placeholder : The "Use grey image as default placeholder" feature will display a grey image as the default placeholder.
- Do not use grey image as default placeholder : The default place holder will be displayed blank.
- Click Save
For websites not using our WordPress plugin
Important: has introduced a new API for custom websites. As a result, the Brandlogos script has now been deprecated and will be discontinued on June 1, 2024. Brandlogos script users and new users are encouraged to migrate to the new API by following the below steps:
- Use the API Endpoint:
Utilise the following endpoint to fetch logos from[brand]&size=[size]&format=[format]&token=[token]&domain=[domain]
For a detailed explanation of parameters, visit - Storing and Retrieving Logos from Local Database:
After retrieving logos from the API, it is advisable to store them in your local database. Once stored, you can conveniently retrieve logos from your database and use them as per your requirements.
Note: Whenever you receive a logo from, your credit gets utilized. Storing logos locally instead of calling them via the endpoint every time will help you avoid exceeding the credit limit of To check your credit usage visit