What is "Import Image As" option?

The CouponAPI plugin offers a convenient option known as "Import Image As," which provides flexibility in managing images associated with your coupons. This feature allows you to specify how you want images to be imported. Here are the three available options:

  • BrandLogos Image (only available for premium plan users): Selecting this option ensures that all your coupons will have brandlogos as their coupon image. You can also select the logo style as per your requirements. The brandlogos are available in two formats, i.e., square and horizontal.
  • Coupon/Network Image: Selecting this option ensures that the network's images (if available) will be imported to your coupons. Please note that it is possible that all coupons don't have the images associated with them, and hence we recommend you use Brandlogos.
  • Off: If you choose "Off," no images will be added to your coupons.

For more information, watch our video from here: https://youtu.be/FdDRvz8nBoc